The History
Dungog Shire Palliative Care Volunteers provide FREE non-medical support to all residents in Dungog Shire diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, to help them live in dignity, peace and comfort. Support is also provided to their carers, family and friends.
Our service has been active in Dungog Shire since 1994. A very small Public meeting was held in June 1994 to investigate the need for a Palliative Care Volunteer Service in Dungog to enable those with a life-limiting illness to be supported at home for as long as possible. Despite a lack of strong community support a steering committee was formed, with the first volunteer training program seeing 8 volunteers completing the program.
Funding was initially received in 1995 through Hunter Assistance Scheme which enabled the service to begin operation and suggestions were sought from the community for the service name and logo.
“Area Care “ was the chosen name and a black and white butterfly logo was chosen, with the belief that the butterfly embodies the spirit of palliative care.” A gentle touch, fragile, delicate, evolving, changing from conception to death, momentarily beautiful and only with us for too short a time”.
The service became incorporated in 1999 and the name changed to “Dungog Shire Palliative Care Volunteers”.In 2006 the black and white butterfly logo was replaced with a multi-colored butterfly reflecting support given to those LIVING with a life-limiting illness.
Initially, the service had a paid coordinator funded for 8 hours per week who coordinated all aspects of the service. With the growth of the service and increasing demands in 2008 a volunteer Transport Coordinator and Volunteer Linen Coordinator were appointed.
In 2021 the Management Committee made the decision to split the Coordinator role, appointing a Client Coordinator and an Administration Coordinator who currently share the Coordinator role.
Initially, drivers transported clients to treatments/appointments using the driver’s own vehicle. From 2009-2012 as part of a Honda Foundation initiative a “Honda Heros” van was supplied to the service for client transport. In 2013 the service was able to purchase a Kia Hatchback.
Following a submission to Newcastle Permanent Charitable Foundation in 2014, the service received a grant to purchase a larger Subaru Forrester vehicle to replace the small Kia Hatchback. This enabled a wheelchair or walker to be provided for clients being transported and improved client comfort. The grant also provided for the purchase of uniforms for volunteers, with a white polo shirt with a butterfly logo being chosen.
From 2012-2021 the service also received an annual grant from Cancer Council NSW to assist with transport costs.
The service has continued to grow and currently has 38 volunteers and provides support to 48 clients.
In the 2020/21 financial year our volunteer drivers provided 943 hours of supported transport travelling 29,000km, we provided linen packages to many clients, and loaned equipment ranging from walkers and wheelchairs to shower chairs, oxygen convertors and hospital beds. Due to COVID, the service was unable to provide in-home respite (in 2019/20 253hours of respite were provided) but support was still provided to clients and carers, by regular phone calls.
Dungog Shire Palliative Care Volunteers is held in high esteem by the Dungog Shire Community
2006 DSPCVol.Inc received the Dungog Shire Australia Day award for “Community Service”.
2016 The service received the Commonwealth Bank “Local Hero Award”.
2018 Runner up in the Chamber of Commerce “Community Sector Award” and nominee in 2021.
2021 Winner of the Palliative Care Australia National Award for “Resilience and Teamwork “during COVID.
Our Mission Statement
The Dungog Shire Palliative Care Volunteers will, when requested, assist in non-medical care of the terminally ill, to help them live in dignity, peace and comfort.
We recognise the carer’s role and volunteer our support for them
Our Motto
“A caring hand to help”